Social Media For Musicians Bootcamp

The Social Media For Musicians Bootcamp is an intensive hands-on 8 week course designed to raise your total personal and musical online presence.

Whether you're already online or have no idea where to start, the Bootcamp will get you up and running in all the major areas that are critical to online success.

The course covers many facets of online marketing that are rarely included in other courses, like branding, music-specific application of website and email newsletters, and general online strategy. This will set the groundwork for you to be able to start promoting yourself and your music on a level that you've only read about but never thought possible.

The Bootcamp consists of weekly live 60 to 90 minute webinars that tackle a specific topic, with lots of room for Q&A. There's also a weekly assignment that will have you up and running in not only a professional manner, but one that has been proven to work. Don't worry about missing a live session. Each one will be recorded so that you can catch up at your convenience later.

I will show you the techniques that I've used to build my brand and online presence that were given to me by some of the gurus of various areas online, like executives from Google, YouTube, Facebook, and more.

Since the Bootcamp is extremely hands-on, it's only available to a limited number of registrants.

The next Bootcamp begins on Tuesday October 15th. Yes, there a replay will be available if you can't attend.

Here's what you'll learn:

Week 1 - Your Brand

You can't expect to have success online (or offline for that matter) until you determine what your brand is, as it's essential to your customer's satisfaction with your products (yes, even your music). We'll cover:

  • Discovering Your Brand - We'll take concrete action to help you find your brand. Even if you think you know what yours is already, this will help make it stronger.
  • Developing Your Brand - Your brand does you no good unless you can make it work for you. You'll get the steps you need to take to get that done.
  • Brand Positioning Bonus - This often overlooked part of branding is essential to discovering what makes you and your brand unique.

Week 2 - Your Website

Your website is the only thing that is fully under your control online, but it does you no good unless you have all the sections to promote your music. We'll cover: 

  • The Required Website Elements - In order for your site to be effective, a number of elements must be present.
  • The Booking section - This section is amazingly overlooked, but it's essential to the people that want to hire or write about you.
  • Press section - If you promote yourself well, bloggers, writers, and even fans will want to write about you. This is where they'll find the info that they need. I'll tell you exactly what you need to include.

Week 3 - Your Email Newsletter

Still the most useful tool to reach your fans, this week will cover: 

  • Choosing An Email Provider - There are many providers of email services, and they all have similar features. Here's how to choose the best one for you.
  • Developing Your Email List - How to start your list from scratch and accumulate subscribers
  • Newsletter Construction - You'll learn the tried and true techniques for constructing an effective newsletter, plus some inclusions that are absolutely necessary. Here's how to do it.
  • Event Emails - Most artists don't get enough people to their gigs and events because they don't know the secret to event emails.

Week 4 - Your Facebook Presence

Unless you're trying to reach Gen-Z, Facebook is still the best way to communicate with fans and increase your fanbase. That said, just being a user on Facebook doesn't mean that you know how to get the most from it promotionally. I'll show you a technique that almost always works. We'll look at:

  • Constructing Posts - There are certain elements that must be included for any kind of post to be seen by more than 2% of your followers. I'll show you how Facebook determines what gets traction, and how a post can reach the most fans.
  • Video Posts - Facebook is going after YouTube, but there are both limitations and benefits for using the platform for video. I'll show you both so you can decide which best fits your brand.
  • Live Video - The hottest thing on Facebook today, but just like posting, there's more to it than just going "live."
  • Advertising - Even a few dollars a day can achieve big results, and while this is an extremely deep subject, I'll show you the basics.

Week 5 - Your YouTube Channel

YouTube is still the most effective way to distribute your music and gain new fans, but there are secrets to making your channel and videos a success. We'll cover:

  • Getting Views - I'll show you the secret elements that make your video pop in the YouTube search engine (the biggest in the world after Google).
  • Metadata - The essential data that every video must have to be successful.
  • Mobile - Most videos are viewed on a smartphone these days, but most artists fail to take that into consideration. Here's what you need to do to make your video work best on that platform.
  • YouTube Live - Like Facebook, YouTube Live can be an effective tool to both satisfying your fans and gaining new ones. What you'll need to do to take advantage of the feature.

Week 6 - Your Instagram/Twitter Presence

Instagram has the most hard-core music fans, and it reaches age groups that no other social platform does. Twitter users may be plateauing, but it's still an effective tool to reach certain audiences. How to get the most out of each platform.

  • Accounts - Personal and fan accounts may not only be the best way to go, but the only way to go. Here's why and how to create each.
  • Post Construction - Posts on each platform need to be created differently than other platforms. Here's how to do it.
  • Hashtags - The secret to a post being found and viewed is in the hashtags that you use. How to use them, where to find them, and their limitations are covered.

Week 7 - Your Online Strategy

Without an overall online strategy, you'll find that social media takes up way too much time for limited results. How to streamline your online presence to get the biggest bang for your time.

  • Creating Your Strategy - You can't be on all platforms at the same time and get results. How to decide which ones are right for you, then make your choices synergistically work together.
  • Time Saving Shortcuts - Techniques that I personally use to keep my online time to a minimum without sacrificing effectiveness.

Week 8 - Final Evaluations

I will evaluate your progress to this point, and determine a further plan of action along with a roadmap on how you can reach your online personal and musical goals fast.


Remember that there's a 30 day free-look policy for the Social Media For Musicians Bootcamp. If you find that you can't make the time or it's not right for you, just let us know within 30 days and we'll happily refund you money, no questions asked. And don't worry, we'll still be friends.

This is what you can expect from the Bootcamp:

  • Clarity about how your online and social presence works.
  • A plan on how to best utilize all the tools that the online world provides.
  • Hands-on training on the various platforms.
  • Insider and personal information that you won't find in any one place anywhere else.
  • Along the way I will be available to answer any of your questions and make sure that you're heading in the right direction.

Join me in the Social Media For Musicians Bootcamp and take your online presence to the next level and beyond.

The next Bootcamp begins on Tuesday October 15th.

Remember, space is limited, so register today on the right!  ā˛”